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对奢侈品消费者来说,购物不仅仅是不可或缺的事情,更是一种生活方式。仔细挑选并投资经典永恒的产品和项目,是购物者身份和自我意识的代表和延伸,因此,”在哪里购买”和”买什么”同等重要。 选择在奢华的购物场所消磨时光,享受由导购带来的高标准服务,是整个购物体...
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The World Health Organization’s announcement of the global pandemic COVID-19 in March 2020 marked the beginning of a new...
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Virtual Shopping: Understanding New Ways to Engage With Luxury Customers Beyond Brick-and-Mortar
In 2020, we have all been wondering how to keep in touch with our loved ones we could no...